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Thursday 16 December 2010

The Information Age

I woke up and saw a wooden roof over my eyes. I came down from my bed which was made of hey. There was a wooden bucket of water in the yard, I went there and wash up myself. I took my breakfast with homemade bread. After then I ride on a horse and went away to palace with a message from a King…………………………..
It was a dream where I played a role of a messenger before 1000 years ago. If it would be happen before 200 years ago then I will send a letter to the recipient. If it would be happen before 100 years ago then I will use Telegram. If it was before 50 years ago I will use a Telephone for this purpose. If I have to play a similar role today then what shall I do? I will just open my computer and send an email to the recipient. What are the differences among those ages above? To answer this we can see the gradual development in Information system. As a human being we always want to get more benefits doing least work (especially physical labor). Today it`s easier to communicate than before. We always say that we are in the Information Age. Why it`s recognized as Information Age?
We all are mostly dependent on electronic information today. As for example I couldn`t be able to apply for a Master Card as I`ve not possess a National ID card yet. Is the Id card is very essential to have? Yes the card has all information of my identity those are required to apply for a master card. Without the master card I can’t withdraw my balance. Without money from my balance I can`t earn my bread. It`s just a minor example of a simple man. So what immense value it has in official activities? We can easily understand. In recent time we see some secret information published in some websites that have shacked up the world leaders. Why? Because our dependence on information technology. So we have to reduce our dependence on it? No I didn`t mean it. Then what? I just try to let you inform its benefits in our life, its necessity in our regular activities. This Immense blessing of Science & Technology impacts a lot in modern life today.  Thus it’s called Information Age.


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